Kendall County Board Public Meeting Solid Waste Plan 5-Year Update Public Comments:
Results in heated meeting Thursday Feb. 4 when a handful of people are limited to 3 minutes each to give their comments. Here is the video.
Yorkville City Insider
Inside Old News
Hamman Farms New Violation 2010 for open burning. On March 31, 2010 Hamman Farms willfully burnt off a large section of farm acreage after being told back in July of 2009 not to do any open burning without proper authorization.
Yorkville Getting Tough on litter and trash on fields at Hammon Farms.
Hamman Yard Waste Business Information
John Purcell of Harmony Development Inc. which owes $58947.03 in delinquent taxes on 32 PIN parcels claims he does not own the land directly. John is currently chairman of the KC Board Finance Committee. The following documents show the properties and amounts due. In Illinois persons seeking public office must not owe any taxes in order to legally run for office. Mr. Purcell is running for KC Board District 1.
More info is here.
KC Board member Nancy Martin does not see any conflict of interest in voting to approve Phase 1 Improvements to the Hoover Facility which included $90,000.00 to Martin Plumbing & Heating Co.. Nancy Martin started Martin Plumbing with her husband in 1971. It is currently run by her son Tom Martin. Here is more information.